The Action relates to the recent policy developments within TEN-T. It contributes to the European policy developments and in particular to the revised TEN-T guidelines that contains a new approach within the entire transport infrastructure designed with two layers:
the "comprehensive network”, a general network reaching all regions and ensuring that all citizens and businesses have easy access to European transport;
- the "core network”, covering the main transport streams between capitals, large urban nodes, major ports and border crossing points, identified with an objective methodology.
As an operative and policy supporting framework, the Action will improve long term effective and sustainable connection between the sea and other transport modes (mainly rail) by developing new port/ship/train interfaces and will contribute to kick off the analysis of how MoS will be linked to the governance model of the TEN-T priority corridors.
The expected results are:
Five Pilot Projects, demonstrating the effectiveness of a better structured interoperability between modes, with particular integration of MOS
- A policy supporting activity defining the medium term prospective options for MoS in 2020
- A deeper analysis of 4 very specific topics concerning the role of MoS in the development of the TEN-T core network corridors governance model.
One of the main activities of the WiderMoS project is the development of different corridor management platforms in Portugal, Spain, Italy and Germany. In Germany the intermodal operator Kombiverkehr as well as the seaports of Kiel and Rostock work closely together to create such a joint information platform. As final result of the project, all country specific corridor management platforms will be connected and guarantee a smooth and reliable information exchange across Europe for any intermodal transport solution. Heavy paper work will not be needed anymore when such a system is put into operation. The Port of Rostock will further develop and extent the already basically existing terminal control and steering system, means the identification of needs of new users and the adaption respectively extension of the system (software development).
Frau Dr. Madlen Kroh
Strategische Entwicklung