Increased cargo handling capacity
The first crane was commissioned in December. In February 2014 the Intermodal Transport Terminal will phase out the mobile handling technology by means of "reach stackers" once the second crane has passed acceptance tests, thus doubling the handling capacity.
After the end of the building work this year there will be three additional tracks available for handling. The then five tracks will be served by two new gantry cranes able to drive curves, each weighing 500 tonnes and with a height of 35 metres and a spread of 76.5 metres.
The overall investment for the project amounts to Euro 17million. The conversion of the intermodal transport terminal at the port of Rostock receives 70 % subsidies from the Federal Railway Authority, supplemented by the European Commission under the Motorways of the Sea project "Green Bridge on Nordic Corridor" with another Euro 3.3million of subsidies (Trans-European Networks). The remaining costs are covered by the ROSTOCK PORT GmbH.