
Silos with a capacity of 691,000 tonnes as well as facilities for loading and unloading ships, trucks and railway cars ensure skilled handling and fast throughput of goods. Three ship loading facilities with an hourly output of up to 1,200 tonnes are available for grain export. Vessels are discharged via one unloading facilitiy with a capacity of up to 300 tonnes per hour. A system of conveyor belts ensures the efficient moving of grain from the silos to the ships.

With an annual result of 2.6 million tonnes grain remains the dominant dry bulk cargo at the Overseas Port.

Malt house and oil mill 

One of the most modern malt houses in Europe is located adjacent to the grain harbour. It has its own silo with a capacity of 10,000 tonnes and is connected with the silo facility at the port thus ensuring the rapid intake of brewer?s barley as well as an equally rapid output of goods.

With a capacity of 1,600 tonnes of processed canola seed per day the largest oil mill in Germany put into operation in August 2006. The investment cost totalled nearly 14 million Euros. The oil mill comprises the extraction facility, seed storage, seed processing plant, product storage and service department.